I'm Back!

After almost two years of not sharing, here I go again!

Thinking of everything that had happened in this two years, my mind blows away! Oh my, what a journey it has been.

I'm going to do a quick recap, to ground my self and feel better to re-start my love for sharing and making long-lasting memories.

- We moved from Downtown Oakland to Emeryville and then from there to Los Angeles
- We have traveled quite a bit (We finally went to Europe)
- I opened a bigger Pura Vida at Lakeshore Ave and then I gave up Pura Vida so we could move to LA
- My sister had another baby (this just happened 2 days ago)
- My mom and my mother in law visited us in the Bay Area
- We renew our visa for 2 more years in the US
- I've been to Colombia few times (Writing this from my mom's house right now)
- Mae was diagnosticated with cancer
- I've been sad and lonely and confused and insecure (things that had never happen to me before)
- I found a great job at Potted in LA, where I have learned so much about plants, design and myself 
- I have lost friends and I had to make new ones
- ... and the most important thing I'm working on creating that new me, and this blog is the first step to it!

So, let the memories roll until I hit my today! I will keep this secret space as my way of sharing, journaling and most important a place to remind myself of what a wonderful life is this life <3

**Creo q empezare desde bien atras a actualizarme ya que tengo mucho q contar-me!
